Secret shops are not all about catching your team doing something wrong but they are mostly about catching your team doing everything right and ensuring best practices are in place to maximize each sale and create return customers.
Often a business owner or manager will seek out a company to perform a set of secret shops when they start receiving negative reviews or customer complaints with the mindset of uncovering what is going wrong and discovering who is giving the customer a poor experience. But if you are already receiving a high number of customer complaints the damage may have already been done.
Secret shops or annual operations audits give your team concrete examples of what is going right or wrong...
Implementing secret shops from the opening of your business and being transparent with your team can help maintain guest experience expectations. Once a job becomes repetitive or when sales have previously come easy steps in the sale process can start to be skipped as team members get comfortable or take for granted that the customers will keep coming. Managers and ownership can fall victim to this as well.
How many sales, how much revenue was lost due to a poor customer experience?
What if monthly it was more than the cost of a secret shop? Of course, you would say it is worth investing in a monthly secret shop. But what if a secret shop was used as an incentive to reward your team for maintaining and improving the guest experience every month?
The upfront investment helps protect the sales process and guest experience before lost sales occur. Utilizing a secret shop monthly as tool to incentive your team also helps fosters a positive employee culture; while setting the expectation and standards with your team when you are not there.

However your business utilizes secret shops they are an investment that helps ensure your exceptional customer experience is met every time. This will help increase your star rating on Google and other online directories, increase the number of positive reviews (that are the best free marketing for your business), and amplify the word-of-mouth business from satisfied customers.
Customer service, the product or service you provide, and then the follow-up/retention of the customer is the full circle model that Silverside Consulting's Secret Shops address.
Don't wait until the damage has been done to schedule secret shops. Silverside works with all types of budgets and understands the needs of small and growing businesses.